The Art of Manufacturing
Focus on Excellence
The basic principle of our company, which carries out aluminum bar, profile, pipe and fittings manufacturing activities for automotive, white goods, construction, etc. sectors, is to maximize customer satisfaction by adopting continuous improvement and development as a philosophy of life within the framework of the standards it applies.
Asen Aluminum Integrated System Policy
- Müşteri ihtiyaçlarını/ isteklerini karşılayacak kaliteli ve ekonomik ürünü; SIFIR HATA ile üretmek, sevk etmek ve memnuniyeti arttırmak.
- “Sıfır hata” stratejimize ek olarak kalitede risk yönetimine dayalı önleyici faaliyetlere odaklanarak, ürünlerimizi, proseslerimizi ve kalite yönetim sistemimizi sürekli iyileştirerek, kalitede müşterilerimize ölçüt olmak.
- Toplam kalitemizi ve enerji performansımızı sürekli iyileştirmek amacıyla dünyadaki yeni ve ileri teknolojileri ve çalışma yöntemlerini takip etmek ve hedef ve amaçlara ulaşmak için gerekli tüm bilgi ve kaynakları sağlamak.
- Kalite ve enerji hedeflerini belirleyerek her seviyeye yayılımını sağlamak ve düzenli olarak gözden geçirerek sürekli iyileştirme fırsatlarını belirlemek,
- To develop our total quality culture by establishing an effective and healthy communication environment,
- To accept continuous development and improvement in harmony with the environment as a social duty in the planning and implementation of all our processes.
- To produce the most appropriate, most accurate and most economical solutions in the fastest way possible and to prevent any nonconformities that may arise later.
- To apply the requirements of Quality, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety, Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Management standards with continuous trainings, employee suggestions and lessons learned with the awareness that employees are our treasure, to continuously improve their effectiveness, to continuously encourage employees for the development of the system.
- To prioritize occupational health and safety in our processes and to manage, improve and reduce our risks to acceptable levels.
- To ensure that conditions and behaviors that may lead to accidents and losses are kept under control, and to ensure zero occupational accidents, occupational diseases and lost working days by ensuring continuous improvement and development through corrective-preventive actions.
- Enerji ve doğal kaynakları verimli kullanacak tasarım süreçlerini ve satın alma projelerini desteklemek.
- To prevent environmental pollution by identifying the environmental dimensions and effects that occur while performing production activities and eliminating or minimizing the damages that these effects will cause to the environment.
- We carry out our activities in accordance with all legislation, administrative regulations, legal responsibilities and standards and other conditions we are obliged to comply with